My Approach
I work with clients in weekly 50 minute appointments. I offer both short term and long term therapy.
My approach is integrative. I work relationally in the here and now. I see therapy as an ever moving and evolving process and as such our sessions may look different from week to week. I integrate tools from a variety of modalities including: Gestalt, Hakomi, and Somatic Experiencing.
In therapy we may do "parts work" together. This can be used to tease apart the different parts of us that may be at odds with one another. For example in choosing if it's time to leave our current job, we may embody and explore the part of us that is ready to leave and then separately the part of us that wants to stay.
From Hakomi, I utilize mindfulness to deepen into the therapeutic process. In therapy I may offer short guided meditations or visualizations to drop deeper into the space together. From that mindful place, I may offer an experiment, for example asking you to "notice what happens for you when I say... it's okay not to know right now."
Somatic Experiencing
If we are exploring an emotion such as anger, I may ask you "Where do you experience that in your body?" or "How do you know that you are angry?" If an experience shows up that may feel flooding, I utilize resourcing tools from SE to help bring you back into your window of tolerance. For example, asking "Can you feel your feet connected to the ground here?"